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III Moscow International Symposium of Iris L. genus

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30 June 2016 The International Symposium on irises was held on June, 15 – 18 at the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University. 50 symposium participants listened to and discussed the state of activities for studying species and sort diversity in collections of botanical gardens (university and academic) and specialized establishments of Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, the Czech Republic (Poland and Baltic States in absentia).  To honor the memory of the former director of the Botanical Garden Moscow State University Vladimir Sergeevich Novikov minute of silence. Nina Alexeeva opened the Symposium and wished fruitful work. Milan Blažek’s letter to symposium participants was read. The plenary session included 7 presentations. During the work of 3 sections of the Symposium and round table in the Botanical Garden Great Peter in St. Petersburg, 24 presentations were presented. A round table “Georgy Rodionenko is the most high-profile expert on irises well-known throughout the world, monograph of the genus of Iris” as a part of the Sixth International Conference  “Biodiversity. Plant Introduction”. Was made to the reports on collections, expeditions tours, heard memories of students and amateurs of meetings and conversations with Georgy Rodionenko. Symposium participants acknowledged great importance of that event for future work with species and sort diversity of representatives of the genus Iris. Symposium participants expressed their gratitude to the organizers of the Symposium,  the leadership of the head of BIN RAS and Botanical Museum L. B. Golovneva for providing space for the round table dedicated to the memory of G. I. Rodionenko and artists Anokhina T. Bordukovoy L. Smirnova and A. for decoration painting the conference room. A resolution was made on behalf of the Symposium participants; sent a greeting letter to Milan Blažek.

Previous news
Round table. “Georgy Rodionenko is the most high-profile expert on irises well-known throughout the world, monograph of the genus of Iris”
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