Iridarium (Iris Garden)
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Thematic exposition - Iridarium – was set up in 1963. There are different genera of the family Iridaceae (Gladiolus, Crocus etc.) in the lot, therefore, it is called Iridarium. Special attention is attached to the typical genus Iris. The idea of creation of the Iridarium belonged to Georgy I. Rodionenko, DrSc in Biological Sciences. 120 species from 37 genera have been tested in the Iridarium. Collection of plants in situ represents special value. Nowadays the collection includes more than 100 species and forms of wild flora, more than 450 cultivars of the genus Iris and species of 11 genera of the family Iridaceae. Blossoming occurs from April to October. The first exposition has become a center of scientific research on the basis of the unique collection of irises and a favourite rest location of the garden visitors. In the period of irises blossoming the Iridarium is visited by up to 70 thousand people.
Layout of Iridarium

- 1, 2 – Garden group of Beardless Irises
- Iris brevicaulis
- Iris calsib cv.
- Iris carthaliniae
- Iris clarkei x I. delavayi cv. Beautiful Forty
- Iris delavayi
- Iris longipetala
- Iris notha
- Iris orientalis
- Iris oxypetala
- Iris pseudacorus cv. Roy Devidson
- Iris sibirica cv. Adolf Svoboda
- Iris sibirica cv. Ann Dasch
- Iris sibirica cv. Bellissima
- Iris sibirica cv. Big Blue
- Iris sibirica cv. Blue Brilliant
- Iris sibirica cv. Blue Burgee
- Iris sibirica cv. Butter and Sugar
- Iris sibirica cv. Cambridge
- Iris sibirica cv. Dreaming Yellow
- Iris sibirica cv. Early Blue Bird
- Iris sibirica cv. Grand Junction
- Iris sibirica cv. Grand Junction
- Iris sibirica cv. Harpswell Happinenss
- Iris sibirica cv. Harpswell Hazel
- Iris sibirica x laevigata
- Iris sibirica cv. Marlyn Holmes
- Iris sibirica cv. My Love
- Iris sibirica cv. Nana's
- Iris sibirica cv. Navubrass
- Iris sibirica cv. Niklassee
- Iris sibirica cv. Orville Fay
- Iris sibirica cv. Red Edwards
- Iris sibirica cv. Savoir Faire
- Iris sibirica cv. Silver Edge
- Iris sibirica cv. Super Ego
- Iris sibirica cv. Teal Velvet
- Iris sibirica cv. Tycoon
- Iris sibirica cv. White Swirl
- Iris spuria cv. Фригия
- Iris spuria cv. Bronze Batt
- Iris spuria cv. Essay
- Iris spuria cv. Farolito
- Iris spuria cv. Missouri Spring
- Iris spuria cv. Monnie
- Iris spuria cv. Sahara Sands
- Iris spuria cv. Sanny Day
- Iris spuria cv. Ленкорань
- Iris spuria cv. Молдова
- Iris versicolor x I. pseudacorus
- 3, 6 – Garden group of Siberian Irises
- Iridodictyum reticulatum
- Iris acutiloba ssp. liniolata
- Iris arenaria
- Iris bloudowii
- Iris bungei
- Iris furcata
- Iris humilis
- Iris ivanovae
- Iris kamaonensis
- Iris korolkowii
- I. laevigata
- I. lineolata
- I. pontica
- I. potaninii
- I. pseudacorus cv. Donau
- I. pumila
- I. sanguinea x sibirica
- I. scariosa
- I. sibirica
- I. sibirica f. robusta
- I. sibirica cv. Sally Kerlin
- I. sibirica
- I. sibirica cv. Snow Crest
- I. sibirica Lady of Qualety
- I. sibirica cv. Silver Edge
- I. sibirica cv. Эдуард Регель
- I. sibirica cv. Marshmallowe Frosting
- I. sibirica cv. Jaybird
- I. sibirica cv. Эол
- I. sibirica cv. Торопыжка
- I. sibirica cv. Блики
- I. sibirica cv. Liberty Hills
- I. sibirica cv. Dance Ballerina
- I. sibirica cv. Trim the Vilvet
- I. sibirica cv. Liiting Laura
- I. stolonifera
- Juno bucharica
- Juno kuschakewiczii
- Juno magnifica alba
- Juno orchioides
- Iris halophila
- Iris hrysographes
- Iris hybr. cv. Black Taffeta
- Iris hybr. cv. Kilt Lilt
- Iris maakii
- Iris mzchetica
- Iris orientalis var. angustifolia f. pigmea
- Iris pseudacorus cv. Um Kirch
- Iris pseudacorus
- Iris pseudacorus
- Iris sibirica
- Iris sibirica cv. Baby Sister
- Iris sibirica cv. Cool Spring
- Iris sibirica Dreaming Yellow
- Iris sibirica cv. Early Blue Bird
- Iris sibirica cv. Loop the Loop
- Iris sibirica cv. Marlyn Holmes
- Iris sibirica cv. Mauntain Lake
- Iris sibirica cv. My Love
- Iris sibirica cv. Pink Haze
- Iris sibirica cv. Rare Jewel
- Iris sibirica cv. Rose Queen
- Iris sibirica cv. Sally Kerlin
- Iris sibirica cv. Sassy Kooma
- Iris sibirica cv. Shirley Pope
- Iris sibirica cv. Silver Edge
- Iris sibirica cv. Snow Crest
- Iris sibirica cv. Tycoon
- Iris sibirica cv. White Swirl
- Iris sibirica cv. Winnere Cine
- Iris sibirica cv. Wisley White
- Iris sibirica cv. Ленинградец
- 4, 5 – Garden group of Japanese Irises
- Iridodictyum danfordii
- Iridodictyum reticulatum cv. Harmony
- Iris Biversata
- Iris chrysographes f. rubella
- Iris delavayi
- Iris ensata
- Iris ensata cv. Алтай
- Iris ensata cv. Алтайская Снегурочка
- Iris ensata cv. Василий Алферов
- Iris ensata cv. Верхне-Обский
- Iris ensata cv. Горянский
- Iris ensata cv. Грустина
- Iris ensata cv. Дерсу Узла
- Iris ensata cv. Добрыня
- Iris ensata cv. Клавдия Попова
- Iris ensata cv. Некрасы
- Iris ensata cv. Ойротия
- Iris ensata cv. Первый Вальс
- Iris ensata cv. Приморье
- Iris ensata cv. Розовое Облако
- Iris ensata cv. Синильга
- Iris ensata cv. Сиреневая Дымка
- Iris ensata cv. Усть-Катунь
- Iris ensata cv. Чертик с рожками
- Iris ensata cv. Шамаханская Царица
- Iris Gettosa
- Iris orientalis cv. Ханка
- Iris pseudacorus cv. Dark Design
- Iris robusta
- Iris sanguinea
- Iris setosa
- Iris setosa
- Iris setosa
- Iris setosa
- Iris sibirica
- Iris sibirica cv. Big Blue
- Iris sibirica cv. Cool Spring
- Iris sibirica cv. Dreaming Yellow
- Iris sibirica cv. Gatineau
- Iris sibirica cv. Marlyn Holmes
- Iris sibirica cv. Paoder Blue
- Iris sibirica cv. Silver Edge
- Iris sibirica cv. Skyrocket
- Iris sibirica cv. Snow Crest
- Iris sibirica cv. Swen Seas
- Iris sibirica cv. Tealwood
- Iris sibirica cv. White Lance
- Iris sibirica cv. White Swirl
- Iris sibirica cv. Ленинградец
- Iris sibirica cv. Фиалковый
- Iris Sino-sibirica
- Iris Tetra-sibtosa
- Iris typhifolia
- Iris versicolor cv. Party Line
- Iris Versi-laevigata
- Sisyrinchium angustifolium cv.
- 7 – Group of Bearded Irises
- Iris hybr. cv. Cocoa Pink
- Iris hybr. cv. Entourage
- Iris hybr. cv. Gold Galore
- Iris hybr. cv. Halo in Rosewood
- Iris hybr. cv. Kiwi Cheesecace
- Iris hybr. cv. Maria My Love
- Iris hybr. cv. Mystique
- Iris hybr. cv. Showcase
- Iris hybr. cv. Stepping Out
- Iris hybr. cv. Titans Glory
- Iris laevigata
- Iris laevigata f. alba
- Iris laevigata cv. Dark Aurea
- Iris laevigata cv. Monstrosa
- Iris laevigata cv. Violet Parasol
- Iris pseudacorus f. alba
- Iris pseudacorus cv. Berlin Tiger
- Iris pseudacorus cv. Roy Davidson
- Iris pseudacorus var. variegata
- Iris virginica var. shrevei
- 8 – Iridaceae collected in the European part of Russia and in the Northern Caucasus
- Iris bulleyana
- Iris delovay
- Iris ensata
- Iris ensata var. spontanea
- Iris ensata cv. Алтай
- Iris ensata cv. Василий Алфёров
- Iris ensata cv. Призрак Счастья
- Iris ensata cv. Трехлепестка
- Iris ensata cv. Шестиглазка
- Iris hybr. cv. Blue Monarh
- Iris hybr. cv. Chateau D Auvers sur Oise
- Iris hybr. cv. Fatal Attraction
- Iris hybr. cv. Freedom Song
- Iris hybr. cv. Gipsy Lord
- Iris hybr. cv. That s All Folks
- Iris laevigata
- Iris oxypetala
- Iris setosa
- Iris sibirica
- Iris sikkimensis
- Iris sogdiana
- Iris typhifolia
- 9 – Garden group of Bulbous Irises
- Acidanthera bicolor
- Crocosmia x crocosmiflora cv. желто-оранжевая
- Crocus scharojanii
- Crocus sp. cv. Tommasianus Roseus
- Crocus speciosus
- Crocus vallicola
- Gladiolus Голиаф
- Gladiolus cv. Зеленая Лужайка
- Gladiolus Золотое Кружево
- Gladiolus Резные Узоры
- Gladiolus Роял Спайер
- Gladiolus Черный Бархат
- Gladiolus Эль Диаболо
- Iridodictyum danfordiae
- Iridodictyum reticulatum cv. Cantab
- Iridodictyum reticulatum cv. Caterina Hotkins
- Iridodictyum reticulatum cv. Dift
- Iridodictyum reticulatum cv. Geel Yellow
- Iridodictyum reticulatum cv. Harmony
- Iridodictyum reticulatum cv. Katharine Hodkin
- Iridodictyum reticulatum cv. Pauline
- Iridodictyum reticulatum cv. Silvery Beauty
- Iridodictyum reticulatum cv. Yoyce
- Iris chrysographes f. rubella
- Iris graminea
- Iris notha
- Iris sibica cv. Baby Sister
- Iris sibirica cv. Shirley pope
- Iris sisyrinchium
- Iris spuria
- Sisyrinchium angustifolia
- Tigridia pavonia f. alba
- Tigridia pavonia
- Xiphium vulgare cv. Autumn Princess
- Xiphium vulgare cv. Purple Sensatrov
- 10 – Iridaceae collected in Siberia
- Iris aphylla
- Iris bloudowii
- Iris furcata
- Iris graminea
- Iris halophila
- Iris humilis
- Iris hybr. cv. Bembes Learn
- Iris hybr. cv. Espada
- Iris hybr. cv. Maori King
- Iris hybr. cv. Started With A Kiss
- Iris hybr. cv. Беляночек
- Iris hybr. cv. Розовый Низкорослый
- Iris hybr. cv. Фиолетовый Низкорослый
- Iris pallasii
- Iris pseudacorus cv. Курлен
- Iris ruthenica
- Iris sanguinea
- Iris setosa
- 1ris sibirica
- Iris tetra-sibtosa
- Iris uniflora
- Iris versicolor cv. Party Line
- 11 –Sorts of irises of old and domestic selection
- Iris biglumis
- Iris bloudowii
- Iris delovayi
- Iris ensata
- Iris graminea
- Iris hybr. cv. Alkazar
- Iris hybr. cv. Ametist
- Iris hybr. cv. Cee Jay
- Iris hybr. cv. Cranberry Swirl
- Iris hybr cv. Dad S Apirate
- Iris hybr. cv. Demon s Eye
- Iris hybr. cv. Deputat Nomble
- Iris hybr. cv. Doctor Bernike
- Iris hybr. cv. Hellen Zeppelin
- Iris hybr. cv. Hungry Heart
- Iris hybr. cv. Indian Hills
- Iris hybr. cv. Madame Chereau
- Iris hybr. cv. Minight Oil
- Iris hybr. cv. Quaker Lady
- Iris hybr. cv. Silk Road
- Iris hybr. cv. Sweet Home Alabama
- Iris hybr. cv. Wabash
- Iris hybr. cv. Yosemite Nights
- Iris hybr. cv. Абхазия
- Iris hybr. cv. Андрей Князев
- Iris hybr. cv. Барна
- Iris hybr. cv. Бенгальский Огонь
- Iris hybr. cv. Вашингтон
- Iris hybr. cv. Воздушество
- Iris hybr. cv. Гвардейский
- Iris hybr. cv. Динозавр
- Iris hybr. cv. Золото Канады
- Iris hybr. cv. Золотое Руно
- Iris hybr. cv. Золотое Руно
- Iris hybr. cv. Золотой Юбилей
- Iris hybr. cv. Изолина
- Iris hybr. cv. Карабах
- Iris hybr. cv. Карабах
- Iris hybr. cv. Ланцелот
- Iris hybr. cv. Макс Штинер
- Iris hybr. cv. Мечта
- Iris hybr. cv. Небесный Тихоход
- Iris hybr. cv. Нибелунга
- I. hybr. cv. Олимпийский
- I. hybr. cv. Синий ВНИИССОКа
- I. hybr. cv. Тимури
- I. hybr. cv. Холстомер
- I. lactea
- I. notha
- I. potanini
- I. pseudonotha
- I. ruthenica
- I. setosa
- I. sibirica f. alba
- I. sibirica cv. Weisser Orient
- I. sibirica cv. Фиалковый
- I. sibirica cv. Фиалковый
- I. sikkimensis
- I. unguicularis
- 12 – Iridaceae of in situ flora
- Belamc. chinensis
- Gl. italica
- I. alberti
- I. albertii x I. imbricata
- I. brevicaulis
- I. bulleyana
- I. chrysographes
- I. chrysographes f. rubella
- I. dichotoma
- I. florentina
- I. forrestii
- I. germanica
- I. halophila
- I. halophilla var. moldavica
- I. Illirica
- I. oxypetela
- I. prismatica
- I. sanguinea
- I. sibirica f. angustifolia
- I. sikkimensis
- I. sogdiana
- I. sulphurea x I. imbricata
- I. tectorum
- I. typhifolia
- I. variegata var. Moldova
- I. wilsonii
- Pardanthopsis dichotoma
- Sisyrinchium californicum
- 13 – Garden group of Irises for Water Garden
- I. Biversata cv. Nonvee Age
- I. chrysographes f. rubella
- I. ensata cv. Василий Алферов
- I. Iuisiana cv. Thanks Giving Fest
- I. Iuisiana cv. News Brief
- I. Iuisiana cv. Ross berry
- I. Iuisiana cv. Pural White Butterfly
- I. Iuisiana cv. Canjun Caspers
- I. Iuisiana cv. Silint Woods
- I. Iuisiana cv. Seriously Blue
- I. Iuisiana cv. Colorific
- I. luisiana cv. sp.
- I. laevigata ssp.yacutensis
- I. laevigata
- I. pseudacorus cv. Курлен
- I. pseudacorus cv. Red Flare
- I. pseudacorus cv. Um Kirch
- I. pseudacorus cv. Golden Qween
- I. pseudacorus cv. Roy Davidson
- I. pseudacorus cv. Nearest Topure
- I. pseudacorus
- I. pseudacorus cv. Ally Oops
- I. pseudacorus cv. English Withe
- I. pseudacorus cv. Appoienter
- I. pseudacorus cv. Plena
- I. setosa cv. Labrador
- I. sibirica cv. Harpswell Hazel
- I. sibirica
- I. Tetra-sibtosa hybr. mixed
- I. versata cv. Georgy Rodionenko
- I. versicolor x I. pseudacorus
- I. versicolor x I. laevigata
- I. versilaevigata cv. Berlin Versilaev
- I. x robusta cv. Beetroot
- 14 – Iridaceae collected in the Russian Far East
- I. ensata
- I. ensata cv. Кассандра
- I. laevigata
- I. maackii
- I. oxypetala
- I. pseudacorus f. alba
- I. pseudacorus
- I. sanguinea
- I. sanguinea var. angustifolia f. pigmea Rod
- I. setosa
- I. sibirica cv.
- I. sibirica cv. Banish Misfortune
- I. sibirica cv. Blue Brilliant
- I. sibirica cv. Dawn Walz
- I. sibirica cv. Gereless Sally
- I. sibirica cv. High Di
- I. sibirica cv. Illini Flirt
- I. sibirica cv. Marlyn Holmes
- I. sibirica cv. Moon Silk
- I. sibirica cv. Pleasures of May
- I. sibirica cv. Purple Wine
- I. sibirica cv. Roaring Jelly
- I. sibirica cv. Salamander
- I. sibirica cv. Sarah Tifney
- I. sibirica cv. Ships Are Salling
- I. sibirica cv. Strowberry Fair
- I. sibirica cv. Super Ego
- I. sibirica cv. Tanz Nochmal
- I. sibirica cv. Tom Schaefr
- I. sibirica cv. Trim the Velvet
- I. sibirica cv. Берегиня
- I. sibirica cv. Бим
- I. sibirica cv. Блики
- I. sibirica cv. Имперотрица
- I. sibirica cv. Лиса Алиса
- I. sibirica cv. Любимчик Алтая
- I. sibirica cv. Рио Рита
- I. sibirica cv. Стерх
- I. sibirica cv. Эол
- 15 – Sorts of irises of foreign selection
- I. furcata
- I. hybr. cv. Autumn Leaves
- I. hybr. cv. Oritam
- I. hybr. cv. Powder Snow
- I. hybr. cv. Buttercup Bower
- I. hybr. cv. Breakers
- I. hybr. cv. Champagne Music
- I. hybr. cv. Steping Out
- I. hybr. cv. Wabash
- I. hybr. cv. Espado
- I. hybr. cv. Little Mach
- I. hybr. cv. Lorilee
- I. hybr. cv. Brassie
- I. hybr. cv. Белый ВНИИССОК
- I. hybr. cv. Подмосковная Осень
- I. hybr. cv. Золотая Бородка
- I. hybr. cv. Baria
- I. hybr. cv. Hellen Hollingwood
- I. hybr. cv. Kalient
- I. hybr. cv. Tamino
- I. hybr. cv. Розовый Низкорослый
- I. hybr. cv. Маршал Покрышкин
- I. hybr. cv. Cats Ays
- I. pontica
- I. pseudacorus
- I. pumila
- I. sanguinea cv. Лазоревый цвет
- I. scariosa
- I. sibirica cv. Blue Cape
- I. sibirica cv. Cambridge
- I. sibirica cv. Cambridge
- I. sibirica cv. Clear Pond
- I. sibirica cv. Cool Spring
- I. sibirica cv. Cotton Blossom
- I. sibirica cv. Ewen
- I. sibirica cv. Gatineau
- I. sibirica cv. Golden Grimping
- I. sibirica cv. Harpswell Hazel
- I. sibirica cv. Harpswell Hollelujan
- I. sibirica cv. Jankee Trader
- I. sibirica cv. Merlin Holmes
- I. sibirica cv. Miss Williamson
- I. sibirica cv. Red Edwards
- I. sibirica cv. Salem Witch
- I. sibirica cv. Sally Kerlin
- I. sibirica cv. Sultan Rubby
- I. sibirica cv. Superba
- I. sibirica cv. Tycoon
- I. sibirica cv. Weisser Orient
- I. sibirica cv. Блики
- I. sibirica cv. Верещагенец
- I. sibirica cv. Виктория №25
- I. sibirica cv. Лаула
- I. sibirica cv. Эол
- 16 – Sorts of modern selection of the garden group – Bearded Irises
- I. hybr. cv. Abidua Falls
- I. hybr. cv. Care To Dance
- I. hybr. cv. Cheyenne Sky
- I. hybr. cv. Coal Seams
- I. hybr. cv. Dangerous Mood
- I. hybr. cv. Drem of You
- I. hybr. cv. Fiesta in Blue
- I. hybr. cv. First Interstate
- I. hybr. cv. Fit For a King
- I. hybr. cv. Friendly Fire
- I. hybr. cv. Girly Girl
- I. hybr. cv. Happenstance
- I. hybr. cv. Hello Darkness
- I. hybr. cv. Italian Velvet
- I. hybr. cv. Jass Festival
- I. hybr. cv. Joyful Skies
- I. hybr. cv. Juicy Rumours
- I. hybr. cv. Kissed By The Sun
- I. hybr. cv. Lightshine
- I. hybr. cv. Medici Prince
- I. hybr. cv. Midnight Oil
- I. hybr. cv. Montmartre
- I. hybr. cv. On The Move
- I. hybr. cv. Prague
- I. hybr. cv. Purple Serenade
- I. hybr. cv. Raven Gire
- I. hybr. cv. Rodeo Girl
- I. hybr. cv. Slew O Gold
- I. hybr. cv. Sunshine and snow
- I. hybr. cv. Tanzanian Tangerine
- I. hybr. cv. Teamwork
- I. hybr. cv. Temple Spirit
- I. hybr. cv. Truly Wicked
- I. hybr. cv. Unchain My Heart
- I. hybr. cv. Vicar
- I. hybr. cv. Yaquina Blue
Exposition of the Botanical Garden (Iridarium)
A large collection of representatives of the family Iridaceae is located in the Iridarium (Iris Garden) of the Botanical Garden of V.L.Komarov’s Botanical Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences). Special value is attached to the collection of species growing in Russia. It is separated in 3 geographical units: Irises of Siberia, Irises of Primoye krai and Irises of the European part of Russia and Northern Caucasus.
Special attention is attached to the genus Iris. Sorts and species of Bearded Irises are in the central place of the exposition. Tracking evolution form wild forms to the cultured plant the following species are shown: (I. aphylla), (I. germanica), (I. pallida), (I. variegata) as well as sorts of old and modern selection of the garden group – Bearded Irises.
Expositions of Beardless Irises are very popular. Firstly it refers to the collection of the garden group of Siberian Irises - I. sibirica and I. sanguinea including about 70 sorts. The collection was started in 1970s and now it has considerably extended and replenished by new cultivars. This group of irises is very decorative. It includes some more species – close relatives of I. sibirica – for example, I. bulleyana and I. chrisographes.
Exposition with a small pool includes a group of Irises for Water Garden: I. pseudacorus represented by more than 10 forms and cultivars, I. laevigata of more than 5 forms and cultivars. I. setosa has perfect decorative features and is characterized by frost-resistance.
There is a lot of Japanese design for the garden group of Japanese Irises. The botanical name of forefather of numerous sorts of this group is I. ensata. There is lack of warmth in St. Petersburg and autumn is excessively humid for Japanese Irises however G. I. Rodionenko and L.N.Mironova created a series of winter-proof sorts of irises that allowed to organize a separate exposition.
Exposition of the garden group of Spuria Irises has been created. This name has been attached to the group in special gardening literature due to the most widespread species from the subgenus Xyridion — Iris spuria. The plants occupy a small part of the second sector of the Bearded Irises exposition.
Exposition of sorts of domestic selection consisting, first and foremost, of irises of G. I. Rodionenko’s selection has been organized. 12 sorts of his selection are bred in a separate lot in the Iridarium.
Thank to exposition of bulbous and bulbotuber plants of the family Iridaceae the period of the Iridarium blossoming extends from early spring to late autumn.
Georgy R. Rodionenko – Founder of the Iridarium
Georgy R. Rodionenko is the most high-profile expert on irises well-known throughout the world. He has published more than 120 papers and 10 books, many of them have been translated into English, French and Italian. He has selected more than 20 sorts of irises. His achievements were marked in Great Britain by M.Foster’s medal and in the USA by Varburton’s medal. Georgy was awarded by 2 orders of “Red Star” and “Honour Sign”, medals and honorary diploma. Mr.Rodionenko is a courageous and devoted man.
Georgy Rodionenko was born on March, 28, 1913 in the family of the emperor army officer in a small town of Ardebil in Northern Persia (Iran) where the Russian army was located. His childhood passed in Sukhumi where he also finished school and graduated from the Institute of Subtropical Planting. In 1939 Mr.Rodionenko left for Leningrad to continue studies. He was employed in the Botanical garden. The Second World War broke out when Mr.Rodionenko was in far expedition in Lake of Balkhash. In August 1944 he graduated from Kharkov Artillery School in Fergana and asked for recruitment in Leningrad front. Later Mr.Rodionenko was heavily wounded in leg during a battle near Riga. After leaving hospital in 1945 he returned to the Botanical garden. In first post-war years Mr.Rodionenko organized 2 expeditions to the Black Sea coast in the Caucasus and delivered 9 railway cars of large-size subtropical plants for the garden greenhouses.
Georgy Rodionenko defended PhD and DrSc theses. Mr.Rodionenko is the only monograph of the genus of Iris in Russia. He has been working with irises for 60. In 1963 the Iridarium (Iris garden) was founded, Georgy worked out scientific grounds for layout of collections. Picking plants in situ was the most valuable acquisition of the collection. He carried out about 15 expeditions in total, actively participated in expeditions to difficult to reach districts of the country although he had become disabled with artificial leg. The Iridarium is still showing one of the best collections of irises in the country. It is annually visited by hundreds of St. Petersburg residents, tens of experts from Russia and from abroad.
March 28, 2013 at the Komarov Botanical Institute celebrated the 100th anniversary of George Rodionenko. Congratulated colleagues, members of iris societies, as well as the governor of our city George Poltavchenko.