Site map
Homepage → Site map
- Homepage
- Photo Gallery
- Travel
- Expeditions, trips to nature
- Vacation
- Visit to Botanical garden, Goteborg
- Plant portraits
- Iris Russia
- Iridarium
- Classification of Iris
- Цветение июнь
- Agrotechnology
- Transplanting/replanting of Irises
- Conference
- American Iris Society 2013 Convention
- Seminars and lectures
- Miscellaneous
- News
- Replenishment of the collection in 2024
- International scientific conference "Biological diversity. Introduction of plants"
- Replenishment of the collection Bearded Irises
- Camellian readings in St.Petersburg
- Georgy Ivanovich Rodionenko: pages from life (to the 111th anniversary of his birth).
- Iris ruthenica Ker.-Gaw.
- Ist Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference “Preservation of Natural Heritage and Environmental Strategy of Industrial Enterprises”
- Replenishment of the collection in 2023
- G. I. Rodionenko. An article was published in the Botanical Journal
- Trip to the islands of Sakhalin and Iturup
- The genus Iris (Iridaceae) in Russia: phytochemistry, biological activity and application in traditional medicine
- 22d International Scientific and Practical Conferenct (Barnaul, 15-17 May 2023 ) «Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia»
- Georgy Ivanovich Rodionenko: pages from life (to the 110th anniversary of his birth).
- Fourth Scientific and Practical Conference "Botanical Gardens in the Modern World: Science, Education and Management
- Fourth Scientific and Practical Conference "Botanical Gardens in the Modern World: Science, Education, Management" (Peter the Great Botanical Garden, St. Petersburg, February 27 to March 3, 2023)
- The book “Iris L. (Iridaceae Juss.) in the Russia” is posted on eLibrary in free access.
- The book “Mother: I loved flowers during my life…” (1998-1913) is out of print
- Replenishment of the collection in 2022
- Tour to Kamchatka
- IV Moscow International Symposium in the Genus of Iris "IRIS L. – 2022" (Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, June, 14-17, 2022)
- A gift for the garden at the Academy of Russian Ballet of the Iris ensata cultivar "Nikolai Tsiskaridze".
- Irises are blossoming
- IV Moscow International Symposium “Iris-2022”
- Replenishment of the collection in 2021
- "Camelian readings" in Barnaul
- International Conference in St. Petersburg
- Japanese Irises
- Siberian Irises are blossoming
- The flowering of Irises began in the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great
- A new article was published in Phytotaxa
- The book “Iris L. (Iridaceae Juss.) in the Russia” is out of print
- A new article was published in Vavilovia.
- Replenishment of the collection in 2020
- Acidanthera bicolor, Gladiolus hybr., Tigridia pavonia, Tritonia crocosmaeflora will soon bloom.
- The botanical garden is open to the public.
- Iridarium is blooming. Book as a gift.
- The beginning of summer in Iridarium. Book as a gift
- May days in the Botanical Garden. Book as a gift.
- Good news!
- Important message. My email address is blocked due to a hacking attempt !!!
- Preparation of the exposition of the Japanese Irises for the celebration
- Gift book
- Spring in the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great
- New photos of iris
- A new cultivar is registered Professor Dorofeyev
- Iridarium annual report
- A new cultivar is registered Marishka
- International Conference 2019
- International award
- Reconstruction of the place «Japanese Irises»
- International Expedition to the Far East.
- Japanese Irises are blossoming
- Kamelian readings
- A new article in в Turczaninowia
- International Conference.
- Replenishment of the collection in 2018
- Practice students.
- International Expedition.
- The 2nd National Irises Conference Shanghai Botanical Garden.
- A new article in Phytotaxa 340 (3): 201-216
- A new article in SIGNA 96 (Winter 2017): 4465-4468.
- Japan. A festival of chrysanthemums and maple paints.
- International Conference.
- Replenishment of the collection in 2017
- Plants grown by in vitro method
- A new exposition on the Iridarium
- Lecture «Iridarium. Species. Garden groups. Methods of propagation»
- Bearded and Siberian Irises are blossoming
- Are blooming rare irises
- Visit at the Univesity of California Berkeley
- Memorial Day of Georgy Rodionenko is the most high-profile expert on irises well-known throughout the world
- A new cultivar is registered Nikolay Tsiskaridze
- Good wishes to Anne Blanco White
- Glad news – grant from AIS Foundation
- Present for Iridarium
- Japanese Irises are blossoming
- III Moscow International Symposium of Iris L. genus
- Round table. “Georgy Rodionenko is the most high-profile expert on irises well-known throughout the world, monograph of the genus of Iris”
- Expedition to Cambodia 2015
- Visit to Missouri Botanical Garden.
- Acidanthera and Tigridia are bloom.
- Japanese Irises are blossoming
- Siberian Irises are blossoming
- Are blooming rare irises
- Iris pumila and Juno are blooming
- Tour to Crete
- Tour to India
- New photos of irises
- Seeds and plants
- Tour to Alaska
- 300-year anniversary
- Iris pumila and Juno are blooming.
- Georgy I. Rodionenko.
- Conference.
- Gladiolus bloom.
- Irises great beauty
- Japanese Irises are blossoming
- Lecture-report «Irises. Garden groups. Methods of propagation»
- 21 June 2013. Finished flowering bulbous irises.
- June 5 2013 the flowering irises old selection of Bearded Irises.
- Iris aphylla L., Iris pumila L.
- On 15 till 20 April 2013 in Dallas (TX) was Convention of American Iris Society (AIS)
- On March 28 passed a festive event on celebration of birthday of George Ivanovich Rodionenko
- 100th anniversary of G.I.Rodionenko
- Materials on the trip to Indonesia have been placed
- Beginning of development of the website new version
- Photographing of the Iridarium for 3D virtual tour
- Reconstruction of sector №11 in the Iridarium
- Visit to the Botanical garden of Heteburg
- Tour to Cyprus
- "CALYPSO" – a computer base of collections of botanical gardens
- Master-class on botanical painting
- I. timofejewii Woron is blossoming
- The first frosts. The second stage of late autumn started.
- International expedition “Northern Caucasus - 2011"
- Japanese irises are blossoming
- II International Moscow Symposium on the genus Iris "Iris-2011"
- Tour to China
- India. Presentation of the tour.
- Expedition to the Northern Caucasus. Yesterday, today, tomorrow. In commemoration of Loki Schmidt
- Granting Mongolian Governmental Awards
- Three weeks in India
- Acidanthera bicolor and sorts of Gladiolus hybridus hort are blossoming
- "The world of phloxes" – exhibition and sale at the Botanical Garden
- Spuria and Japanese Irises started blossoming
- Bulbous irises are blossoming
- Siberian irises are blossoming
- Japanese garden in the Botanical Garden of the Botanical Institute, the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Japanese irises in the Iridarium
- Publication in Botanical Journal № 3, 2010
- Siberian irises are blossoming
- Iris aphylla L. started blossoming
- Small-bulbous irises started blossoming
- Georgy I. Rodionenko is 97 years
- Expedition to the Northern Caucasus (August, 2009)
- A new publication: The Iridarium of the Botanical Garden
- International conference in Washington (USА): Volunteer movement
- The Greenland Sea
- Irises for Water Garden in the Iridarium of the Botanical garden (new photos)
- Publications of N.B. Alexeeva in 2008
- Information on expedition to Kalach-on-Don
- Replanting of Beardless irises has finished (new photos)
- Replanting of Bearded irises has finished
- Plants sale
- Expedition to Каlach-on-Don 2008
- Results of the contest. Answer of Natalia Mazunina, the winner
- Today is Nina B. Alexeeva’s birthday
- Results of the contest
- New information has been posted
- Photo exhibition of Irises "Look at Irises!" 45th anniversary of the Iridarium!"
- Information on the expedition to Baikal has been posted
- Important information on the contest
- Information on the expedition to the Far East
- Information on the exhibition of irises is now available in the website
- International Seminar on Volunteer Movement
- The Iris
- The course of lectures at the Botanical garden
- Photo exhibition of Irises "Look at Irises!"
- A popular paper on I. ruthenica has been written
- Contacts