Siberian Irises are blossoming
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04 June 2021
It is time for the garden group of Siberian Irises to blossom. In the collection of the Iridarium the Siberian iris species (10 species are described) and over 100 varietes from Russian and foreign breeders have been tested for introduction in different years. Two of the species occur in Russia: Iris sibirica L. and Iris sanguinea Donn. The other eight species occur in China and in the mountain regions of India: Iris bulleyana Dykes, Iris chrysographes Dykes, Iris clarkei Baker, Iris delavayi Micheli, Iris dykesii Stepf., Iris forrestii Dykes, Iris phargmitetorum Hand.-Mazz. and Iris wilsonii C.N. Wright. The irises of this group is characterized by a high decorative effect and high adaptive potential (undemanding as to soil, resistance to diseases and high winter hardiness). Special varieties of old domestic selection are distinguished by special stability and abundant flowering: ‘Leningrad’, ‘Toropyzhka’, ‘Fialkovy’, ‘Eduard Regel’, ‘Aeol’ and also some of new selection: ‘Lisa Alisa’, ‘Lubimchik Altaia’, ‘Rio Rita’ and others.
Previous news The flowering of Irises began in the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great A new article was published in Phytotaxa A new article was published in Vavilovia. The book “Iris L. (Iridaceae Juss.) in the Russia” is out of print
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