A new cultivar is registered Professor Dorofeyev
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02 April 2020
The iris 'Professor Dorofeyev' is named after the Prof., leading researcher at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS Vladimir Dorofeyev is concerned in the systematics of the vascular plants, in addition for many years he gave lecture courses for students on the systematics and phylogeny of vascular plants at the Department of the Biogeography and the Protection of Nature of the Geography and Geoecology Faculty of St. Petersburg State University. Direct interships for young employees of Altai State University and provided specialized training for teachers in Leningrad Province and St. Petersburg. He is autor of many books on botany.
He is sociable, with a broad outlook and sense of humor, Vladimir Ivanovich is a welcome guest of any company. The idea to name this iridescent and, at the same time, strict colors of iris came when I saw V.I. Dorofejev on an excursion in the older Indian city of Hampi. There, hiding from the heat, he threw a colorful scarf over his head. This image reminded me of an iris, waiting for its name to register.
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