A new cultivar is registered Marishka
Homepage → News → A new cultivar is registered Marishka
23 September 2019
The iris cultivar “Marishka” is named after the proficient gardener of the Botanical Garden Marina Markovskaya, where she worked for about 30 years. Marina successfully master with a variety of work on the attend of a collection of perennial plants, which included representatives of about 100 families of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants, including irises. Marina has created a collection of open ferns, some of its cultivars are presented in the design of the Peter the Great Botanical Garden park. A clone of the Iris setosa, collected in Kamchatka, was transferred to the collection of Iridaria by Yuri Markovsky, Marina’s husband. On November 13, 2018, the Marishka Iris setosa cultivar was registered with the American Iris Society. The certificate was received in September 2019.
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