Reconstruction of the place «Japanese Irises»
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08 August 2019
The place with the garden group Japanese irises has been under reconstruction for 3 years. It was necessary to replace the wooden paths that had rotted, change the film in a pond that no longer held water, add planting material. Many thanks to everyone who took part in the reconstruction. Administration for understanding and financial support, the leading agronomist of the Botanical Institute. V.L. Komarova V.I. Soloviev, who this year transferred more than 300 seedlings of Japanese irises to the collection, which undoubtedly decorated the exposition.
In previous years, Japanese irises M.E. Caulen and Yu.B. Markovsky, irises bloomed beautifully this year and, of course, many years have been pleased with the flowering of G.I. Rodionenko, L.N. Mironova and Z.V. Dolganova. Thanks again to all, including the employees working in Iridarium, especially the garden worker B. B. Zeksel, who loves this plot with great love, he, in fact, was engaged in reconstruction, as well as the leading agronomist of the collection of A.N. Afanasyeva, a caring and knowledgeable mistress of Iridarium.
Previous news Japanese Irises are blossoming International Expedition to the Far East. A new article in в Turczaninowia International Conference.
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