Japanese garden in the Botanical Garden of the Botanical Institute, the Russian Academy of Sciences
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28 May 2010
Today a Japanese garden was founded in the Botanical Garden. The officials – Mr. Kawabata Itiro (Consul-General of Japan in St.Petersburg) and Ms. Midori Yamada (President of the Affiliate of Ikenobo-Ikebana Institute in Russia) - attended the opening ceremony. Vasily T. Yarmishko, director of the Botanical Garden of Komarov’s Botanical garden, the Russian Academy of Sciences, attached high importance to that event. Now we have a genuine Japanese garden arranged in accordance with all order and location regulations sorted out by unit experts. Here our visitors can both have rest and familiarize with Japanese landscape art. Following the traditions trees were planted during the garden foundation – it is logical that Sakura – a symbol of Japanese culture was chosen. This decorative plat has been worshiped by the Japanese people for ages, its botanical name is Prunus serrulata. Other Japanese traditions were also being followed. For example, everyone could try Sake – an alcoholic drink prepared by rice fermentation, its taste reminds Jerez vines. The ceremony closure was marked by balloons with our best wishes to the garden flying away!!!
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