A gift for the garden at the Academy of Russian Ballet of the Iris ensata cultivar "Nikolai Tsiskaridze".
Homepage → News → A gift for the garden at the Academy of Russian Ballet of the Iris ensata cultivar "Nikolai Tsiskaridze".
13 May 2022
In early May 2014, Nikolai Tsiskaridze planted an oak tree in the courtyard of the Academy of Russian Ballet. From that moment on, the territory, freed from construction debris, gradually began to turn into a "chamber botanical garden" with the active participation of concertmaster Elena Georgievna Katorgina, a passionate lover and great connoisseur of plants. As Nikolai Maksimovich dreamed, the garden becomes a place of rest and walks for the students of the academy.
Olga Yuryevna Martsinkevich, adviser to the rector on general issues, shared the idea of collecting all the plants with thematic names in the garden, incl. Iris ensata cultivar "Nikolai Tsiskaridze", registered in 2016. Let me remind you that the idea to name a cultivar after a famous artist came when, at the end of June 2016, a magnificent, tall purple-colored iris seedling without a name blossomed. The flower, with frozen outstretched petals at a height of 100 cm, resembled Nikolai Tsiskaridze's jump from one leg to the other in twine, when he, as it were, hung high in the air.
Yesterday, the transfer of rhizomes for planting in the garden took place and, which was a surprise for me, I met Nikolai Tsiskaridze.
Elena G. and I toured the garden and determined a place for planting iris, and Olga Yu. kindly led a tour of the academy and a wonderful museum with a rich history.
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