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"Camelian readings" in Barnaul

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08 October 2021 From September 27 to September 29, 2021, the 2nd International Conference "Kamelian кeadings" was held at Altay in Barnaul. The conference was attended by over 53 specialists representing scientific and educational institutions of Russia, Germany and Republic of Kazakhstan. 35 reports was presented at the conference. In my report: “Irises of the flora of Russia. The history of the introduction of  rare species to the Iridarium BIN RAS”, considered the experience  of introducing species of the genus into the introduction, starting from 1947. I analyzed the data from the field journals. Repeated introduction into culture of samples of living plants and those grown from seeds from various geographic origins and observation on them, made it possible to assess the resistance of rare species in the conditions of St.Petersburg. And Prof. G.I. Rodionenko, first of all, studied irises on the basis of the collection of species of the genus he created, which allowed him to publish his view of the genus Iris, and me, to deal with various groups of species of the genus growing in Russia.

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