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International Conference in St. Petersburg

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17 September 2021 From September 14 to September 16, 2021 in the Botanical Garden of the Great Komarov Botanical Institute RAS in St. Petersburg was Seventh International Conference  “Biodiversity. Plant Introduction”. 46 reports was presented at the conference. In our report with L.N. Mironova: “Introduction stability of rare species of the genus Iris L. of Russian flora in Botanical garden of St.Petersburg and Vladivostok”, we considered many years of experience in introduction of species of the genus in two botanical gardens. So, with a comprehensive assessment, it was found that the studied species are distributed according to their prospects in culture into four groups: promising or highly resistant, medium promising or resistant, unpromising or weakly resistant and unpromising or unstable plants for cultivation in the Northwest and the Far East. In a report with E.A. Varfolomeeva: “Induced resistance of Iris to pathogens in the Botanical Garden of the Peter the Great. Deseases cause great harm to the genus Iris growing in the Botanical garden of Peter the Great. Phytosanitary monitoring of Iris deseases has been carried out, the most affected varieties have been identified. This article shows the results of studies to improve the induction immunity of Iris. The results of studies of the effect of biological products and fertilizers, as well as immunomodulators.

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Japanese Irises
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