Japanese Irises
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26 June 2021
This year, the garden group Japanese Irises bloomed two weeks earlier, these are the Iris ensata Thunb. Cultivars and samples from nature. Now in the collection there are 25 specimens of Iris ensata from different collection in nature and grown from seeds and 30 cultivars. About 300 seedlings, awaiting evaluation for registration, bloom exquisitely and decorate the exposition (many thanks to the leading agronomist of the BIN RAS quarantine nursery V.I.Soloviev, who transferred this planting material). As always, the cultivars of domestic breeding that winter in the North-West without shelter are delightful: Altai, Dersu Usala, Vasilii Alferov, Nikolay Tsiskaridze, Pervi Vals, Rosovoe Oblako, Temnaia Noch, Trehlepestka and others. For visitors to the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great, seedlings of Japanese irises have been prepared for sale, which will take place on July 3, 2021.
Previous news Siberian Irises are blossoming The flowering of Irises began in the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great A new article was published in Phytotaxa A new article was published in Vavilovia.
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