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Replenishment of the collection in 2021

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28 December 2021 In 2021, The collection was replenished by 62 taxa, these are plants collected in nuture, grown from seeds and bought in nurseries. Plants from nature from Altai (Korpacheva, Alexeeva), the Sakhalin Island (I. Pautova)) and Kamchatka Peninsula (V. Neshataeva) and obtained by delectus of seeds are of particular value (I. setosa, I. bloudowii,I. ruthenica f. alba and etc.). Seeding of 63 seed samples was made. Many thanks to E. Datsuk for sending them with varieties from the group of bearded irises as a gift -7 cultivars (53 rhizomes). In collection: Genus: 27; Species: 126 (including 89 species of the genus Iris); Cultivars: 326; Varietes: 8; Hybrids: 14; Subspecies: 1; Forms: 6. Based on long-term observations of samples from the roup Siberian Irises, a new cultivar was identified – I. sibirica cv. ‘Vitisha’. An application was sent to the American Iris Society (USA) for the registration of the variety.

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