Replenishment of the collection in 2022
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13 October 2022
In 2021, The collection was replenished by 62 taxa, these are plants collected in nuture, grown from seeds and bought in nurseries. Plants from nature from Dagestan (Dorofejev, Shmakov, Alexeeva), the Iturup Island (H. Glazkova) and Kamchatka Peninsula (N. Alexeeva) and obtained by delectus of seeds are of particular value (Dierama pulcherrium, Juno magnifica, Iris bloudowii, I. munzii and etc.). Seeding of 151 seed samples was made. Many thanks to M. Vasilieva for sending them with varieties from the group of bearded irises as a gift -12 cultivars and amateurs A. Shikuz from Moskow. Currently, the collection includes 127 species and intraspecific taxa of the Iridaceae of natural flora and more than 400 varieties of irises, incl. 33, created on Iridarium, as well as 26 species mentioned in the Red Books of various levels.
Previous news Tour to Kamchatka IV Moscow International Symposium in the Genus of Iris "IRIS L. – 2022" (Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, June, 14-17, 2022) A gift for the garden at the Academy of Russian Ballet of the Iris ensata cultivar "Nikolai Tsiskaridze". Irises are blossoming
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