Tour to Kamchatka
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01 September 2022
From 21 of September till 30 we had a unique trip to Kamchatka, where it grows Iris setosa, the only species which is widesperead in our (Central and Eastern Siberia and the Far East), as well as in the North America (coastal strip of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. We checked into a hotel in Paratunka and in the evening, we could swim in the pool with thermal water. The next day we visited Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, making a sightseeing walking tour of the city with a stop at the Museum of Local Lore. After lunch, we took a boat trip through the waters of Avacha Bay with access to the Pacific Ocean to Starichkov Island. On board the boat was a dinner with crabs. Throughout the route, a large number of sea birds accompanied us and beautiful rocks, especially on Starichkov Island, which is located about 10 km from the entrance to Avacha Bay. There are 11 species of seabirds nesting here and several nesting sites of the white-tailed eagle. The next day, on huge buses, SUVs, we were taken to the waterfalls on the Spokoyny stream. The weather was not very lucky, and then fog, then rain, but it stopped no more than 1-2 tourists. As a reward, we bathed in hot springs, and I managed to make the first collection of Iris setosa. On the 4th day of our trip, rafting on the Bystraya River with fishing and lunch at a tent camp were scheduled. I caught a loach and gave it to the guide. The next day we went to the foot of the Avachinsky volcano to Mount Camel, trekking was about 7 km, with a height difference of up to 320 m. Avachinsky volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in Kamchatka (2,751 m). On the sixth free day, we were lucky with the weather, a flight to the Valley of Geysers was made with a flight around the active volcanoes of Karymsky and Maly Semyachik (flight time 1 hour 15 minutes). The Valley of Geysers is located on the territory of the Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve. Collection of plants and seeds is prohibited. We were very lucky with the weather; we were able to admire the spouting geysers from the platforms and paths specially prepared for the tourist review. Having made a 5-minute flight to the caldera of the Uzon volcano, we admired the manifestations of modern volcanism, a huge hydrothermal diversity: mineral lakes, powerful columns of steam from hot springs, clay volcanoes in miniature. During the flight to the Nalychevo Valley, we had a successful lunch on board and saved time for a relaxing swim in the hot springs. Upon returning to the hotel, we exchanged photos and impressions with those who flew to the Kuril Lake and during the walking tour were able to watch the bears. On the last day, we went to the Pacific coast with a walk along the Khalaktyrsky beach, the coast of which is covered with volcanic sand. Once again, I was able to collect I. setosa plants and seeds. After lunch, we were taken to the fish market, where we were able to buy not only fish, but also souvenirs.
Previous news IV Moscow International Symposium in the Genus of Iris "IRIS L. – 2022" (Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, June, 14-17, 2022) A gift for the garden at the Academy of Russian Ballet of the Iris ensata cultivar "Nikolai Tsiskaridze". Irises are blossoming IV Moscow International Symposium “Iris-2022”
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