The 2nd National Irises Conference Shanghai Botanical Garden.
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17 May 2018
More than 130 specialists representing scientific and educational institutions of China, Jerusalem and Russia took part in the conference. The conference heard 2 invited and 7 sectional presentations on the following thematic: Distribution and protection of species of the genus Iris in the territories of China, Israel and Russia; Selection work with various species of the genus Iris; Practical use of Irises.The members of the Conference noted the important scientific and practical importance of the conducted research in nature collected in botanical gardens of the Irises, which need to be preserved and studied. The 10 articles were published in the Conference Handbook 2018.05.13-2018.05.15. Such conferences promote the strengthening of international scientific links between botanical gardens of China, Jerusalem and Russia and foreign countries in the popularization of the successes of introduction and selection of ornamental plants. A resolution was made together publish a book on irises of Central Asia.
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