International Conference.
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07 November 2017
From October 30 to November 3, the International Scientific Conference "Floriculture: Theoretical and Practical Aspects" was held in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. More than 70 specialists representing scientific and educational institutions of Azerbaijan, Belarus, India, Kazakhstan, China, Moldova and Russia took part in the conference. The conference heard 6 plenary and 30 sectional presentations on the following thematic:
: "Actual trends in the use of flower crops in landscape design, phyto design and floristics"; "Purpose, methods and achievements of selection of flower plants"; "Status and prospects of biotechnology in floriculture: clonal micropropagation, the collections in vitro, genetic engineering"; "Technologies of cultivation and ways of reproduction of flower cultures of open ground and under glass: Diseases and pests of flower crops and methods of combating them." Questions of nursery farming "; "Genetic resources of flower plants: diversity, mobilization, study, preservation, exposure." The members of the Conference noted the important scientific, practical and educational significance of the collections of ornamental plants collected in botanical gardens, which need to be preserved and studied. The 49 articles were published in the Collected Works of the State Scientific and Technical Library No. 145 ( Such conferences promote the strengthening of international scientific links between botanical gardens of Russia and foreign countries in the popularization of the successes of introduction and selection of ornamental plants.
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