International Expedition.
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10 July 2018
From June 11 to July 3, 2018, a joint international Mongolian-Russian expedition took place. The expedition was attended by scientists from the CSBG (Novosibirsk), BIN RAS (St. Petersburg) and the Botanical Institute (Ulan Bator). By two cars we followed to the lake area. Hubsugul, making stops for collecting plants and overnight stays. The route was collected 47 samples of plants from Iridaceae. For sequencing prepared 16 samples. The route was 2500 km. With the director of the botanical garden, Ochgarel and Enkhtuya agreed to organize a joint expedition to the Russian Far East.
Previous news The 2nd National Irises Conference Shanghai Botanical Garden. A new article in SIGNA 96 (Winter 2017): 4465-4468. A new article in Phytotaxa 340 (3): 201-216 Japan. A festival of chrysanthemums and maple paints.
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