Photo exhibition of Irises "Look at Irises!"
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01 February 2008
Photo exhibition of Irises "Look at Irises! 45th anniversary of the Iridarium". The idea of the exhibition organization was to devote it to 45th anniversary of the Iridarium as well as 95th anniversary of two outstanding peopled devoted their life to this amazing perennial plant. The period of convening at the Botanical museum: February, 5 – April, 8 2008; in LenExpo: April, 24 - 27 2008; at the State museum “Vyborg Castle”: December, 18, 2008 January, 27, 2009. The idea of the exhibition organization was to devote it to 45th anniversary of the Iridarium as well as 95th anniversary of its founders - Georgy I. Rodionenko and his colleague Anna N. Zexel.
The exhibition will represent:
- 30 photos of species of the genus Iris including Irises of Russia (in situ and in the Iridarium).
- 25 photos of species and sorts of Irises (the Iridarium).
- 10 photos of other representatives of the family Iridaceae (the Iridarium).
- Drawings of students of an artistic school.
- Additional information devoted to Irises.
- A brief booklet about the Iridarium has been issued.
N.B.Alexeeva, senior research fellow, PhD in biological sciences, curator of the collection of species and cultivars belonging to the family Iridaceae is in charge of the exhibition.
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