Japanese irises are blossoming
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01 July 2011
It is time for the garden group of Japanese irises to blossom. A special area with the irises collection and elements of Japanese design was set up in the Iridarium. I. ensata Thunb is the botanical name of the iris – forerunner of numerous sorts of this group of irises.
Edward Regel, former director of the Botanical garden, expressed his interest to the garden group of Japanese irises more than 100 years ago. These were beautiful original species received from Germany which unfortunately did not winter in the open ground. That time they were grown as a pot culture, it was recommended to put them into the cellar in winter. In 1951 St. Petersburg Botanical garden received a large collection of Japanese irises selected by Vasilii Alferov in the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus (city of Adler). More than 20 sorts were planted in experimental beds in the Botanical garden. However the humid climate with cold winter and fluctuations of low temperatures did not suit exotic Japanese irises. One could admire exciting blossoming of the sorts of Wakamusha, Iso-no-Nami, Yube-no-Sora, Hinode Sakura etc. for 2-3 years. In case of strong wind and rain gigantic flowers lost their decorative features. Almost all of them died out in winter of 1953-1954. However, G. I. Rodionenko managed to carry out crossbreeding with an iris received from the Mountainous Altai test station from I.V.Vereschagina. Thus, in 1956 the first winter-resistant sort Sano Watashi x I. ensata was produced. For many years this seedling showed good results wintering in the Iridarium without cover. Later the winter-resistant sorts of Altai and Dersu Uzala emerged. The collection continues to form. Nowadays it amounts for 27 samples of I. ensata collected in situ and 8 sorts of the garden group of Japanese irises. Only the samples of domestic selection Altai, Dersu Usala, Vasilii Alferov, Pervi Vals, Rosovoe Oblako, Temnaia Noch’, Trehlepestka can winter in our climate without cover.
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