22d International Scientific and Practical Conferenct (Barnaul, 15-17 May 2023 ) «Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia»
Homepage → News → 22d International Scientific and Practical Conferenct (Barnaul, 15-17 May 2023 ) «Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia»
24 May 2023
From May 15 to 17, 2023, a conference was held at the South Siberian Botanical Garden in Barnaul, which allowed specialists from various botanical institutions to meet, work productively, and involve the scientific community in solving problems of botany in Southern Siberia, Mongolia and adjacent territories. About 100 specialists representing scientific and educational institutions of Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, and Uzbekistan took part in the conference. E.A. Varfolomeeva and I prepared a report: “Promising useful plants of the genus Iris L. in the collection of the Peter the Great Botanical Garden, features of maintenance.” It has been shown that the resistance of plants themselves to diseases, for example, to bacteriosis, depends on the content of various derivatives of flavonoids in plants, the higher it is, the more resistant the plants are to bacteriosis, these are I. ensata, I. lactea s.l., I. pseudacorus, I. sibirica. This conclusion is confirmed by the fact that groups of irises that do not have such a quantity of flavonoid derivatives are unstable to bacteriosis. Plants, I. lactea s.l., I. ruthenica, which have anthelmintic properties, are not affected by nematodes, both rhizomatous and stem. It was noted that irises with a high content of ascorbic acid in the leaves have winter hardiness (I. setosa - 1218 mg%). Conclusions are drawn, which are confirmed by experience, about the important role of organic acids in plant sap and their resistance to diseases. An article has been published, Alexeeva N.B., Varfolomeeva E.A. Promising useful plants of the genus Iris L. in the collection of the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great, features of the content // Problems of botany of Southern Siberia and Mongolia.. 2023. V. 22, № 1, P. 17-20. 10.14258/pbssm.2023003
Previous news Georgy Ivanovich Rodionenko: pages from life (to the 110th anniversary of his birth). Fourth Scientific and Practical Conference "Botanical Gardens in the Modern World: Science, Education and Management Fourth Scientific and Practical Conference "Botanical Gardens in the Modern World: Science, Education, Management" (Peter the Great Botanical Garden, St. Petersburg, February 27 to March 3, 2023) The book “Iris L. (Iridaceae Juss.) in the Russia” is posted on eLibrary in free access.
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