On the author
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Dr. Nina B. Alexeeva started to work at Komarov’s Botanical Institute on Iridarium in 1976 where she began to work with irises under supervision of Dr. G. I. Rodionenko. Nina B. Alexeeva practiced in Hamburg Botanical Garden (Germany) and studied at Attingham Summer School in Great Britain. “Since 1998 to present I’ve been working the curator of the collection of irises in Iridarium. Scientific interests include introduction and protection of biodiversity of plants”. In 2005 she defended PhD thesis “Genus Iris L. in Russia. The problem of protection in situ and introduction”. Dr. Alexeeva has developed practical recommendations for expanding introduction and organization of protection of species in nature and in culture based on examples of the genus Iris growing in Russia. For taxonomic studies the collections of herbarium were used (LE, VLA, MW, K, BM, LINN, B, P, NA, US). The author has more than 50 scientific publications including 2 monographs. Field studies represent special interest. Nina Alexeeva has been taking part in the expeditions in the North-West of Russia, the Volga Region, the Caucasus, Altai, Transbaykal, the Far East, in Kirghizia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, India and Cyprus. “I’m fond of having rest in the mountains and fishing. I always carry a herbarium folder, camera and video camera”.