A new cultivar is registered Nikolay Tsiskaridze
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21 Martha 2017
The idea to name the variety of Iris ensata in the name of a famous artist came when, once again, at the end of June, a magnificent, high purple iris seedlings blossomed, and next to it a white two times lower blossom of iris from the same garden group of Japanese Irises, a sort of the Prizrak Schastia (Hybridiser Zoya Dolganova). The working name was "Grande Jeté", the flower with frozen petals at a height of 100 cm resembled a dancer's jump from one leg to the other in a string when the performer of the jump seems to hang high in the air. The composition turned out, the ballet theme helped to define the low irises "white swans". On October 22, 2016, cultivar Nikolai Tsiskaridze was registered in the American Iris Society. The certificate was received in March, 2017.
Photogallery with photos of Iris ensata cv.Nikolay Tsiskaridze

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