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Good wishes to Anne Blanco White

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19 November 2016 The warmest congratulations and best wishes to Anne Blanco White – is famous irisarian in the word. Working on Iridarium in Botanical Garden Peter The Great in Komarov Botanical Institute with Dr. Georgy I. Rodionenko, I have heard many good things about Anne Blanco White.She opened for him “window to Europe”. The greater gratitude Anna with Tomas, her husband, for both their translation from Russian and publication of Rodionenko’s Genus Iris, which has been available for many foreign specialists. She was President of the British Iris Society for two three year terms. Everybody can read her interesting articles in the magazines. The book “A Guide to species Iris, their identification and cultivation” (it was her work as editor on the British Iris Society’s), that has become one of the reference books for the irisarians. Award the Warburton Medal in 2000. Anne Blanco White found the time to help to find information on the irises are not available at the time of literature or other sources. I want to wish Anna Blanco White a long happy life surrounded by good people and loved irises.
Alexeeva Nina. Anne Blanko White – Our window to Europe //The 2016 Iris Year Book. Kent (UK), 2016. P. 72-73.

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