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Among them are such well-known as gladiolus, crocus, freesia, Tigridia, and know little about: babiana (Babiana), romuleya (Romulea) - like crocuses, Watson (Watsonia) - very similar to the gladiolus. Klubnelukovichnyh of plants iridarii been tested 12 genera: atsidantera, babiana, belamkanda (Belamcanda), Watson (Watsonia), germodaktilus (Hermodactylus), Ixia (Ixia), krokosmiya (Crocosmia), Tigridia, Triton (Tritonia), Freesia (Freesia) , crocus, gladiolus. Many klubnelukovichnye promising for cutting plants, among them are perfect in quality krokosmiya, freesia and gladiolus. Varieties produced by domestic and foreign breeders, are very decorative. They have large, often double flowers, vibrant variety of colors, strong long peduncle and high rate of reproduction.
Feature klubnelukovichnyh plants is shortened and thickened lower part of the stem (actually tuberiform sprawling base of the stem), usually underground, serves to accumulation of nutrients, allowing these plants used to start and stop the cycle of vegetation. Corm is covered with the remains of dead leaves grounds or as modified leaves - scales. Available in a flowering plant gladiolus or saffron corm and tuber are the result of growth in the previous year. While these bodies in the flowering period is gradually reduced by spending they contain nutrients, later during the growing season, a thickening of the lower internodes of flowering shoots, giving a new tuber, accumulating nutrients for the next year. At the base of the new tubers are formed contractile roots gradually drawn in the ground (Serebryakov, 1952).
In 1999, the restored Iridarii exposure klubnelukovichnyh plants. Were re-planted species and varieties of the five genera in the family Iridaceae: Atsidantera, Tigridia, Triton, Saffron, gladiolus.
Rhode Atsidantera (Acidanthera Hochst.)
The name of this kind comes from Greek. acidus - acute and anther - flower. This form of shares in the perianth Atsidantery. Klubnelukovichnye perennials with 5-7 linear or uzkomechevidnymi green leaves and a weak 3 -, 6-flowered spike inflorescence. Stem erect, slightly leafy, unbranched. The flowers are fragrant, white, pink, yellow or light purple, usually with a long cylindrical, slightly bent tube and pointed, almost equal shares, up to 10 cm in diameter. Stamens 3, they are attached to the throat of perianth, their threads are weak. The bar is long, protrudes from the flower. Lobed stigmas, their blades flattened. Ovary inferior, three-celled. Corm round, milky-white, with a dense mesh of light brown shell. Capsule long, cracked the top.
There are about 40 species of this genus. Grow in the mountains of East Africa. The plants are very similar to gladiolus. The collection grows as well. bicolor (A. bicolor Hochst. = Gladiolus callianthus). Light-loving plants prefer open, sunny areas, well-drained, fertile soil.
Rhode Tigridia (Tigridia Juss.)
The name comes from the Greek. tigris - the tiger and the resulting variegated perianth.
Corm covered with dark brown dry membranous scales. The stem is cylindrical, simple or branched, 30-70 cm high. The leaves are light green, ensiform, linear or narrowly lanceolate, uniformly along the fold. The flowers are large, 8-10 cm or more in diameter, solitary or 2-5 on the top of the peduncle, or side branch. Perianth tube is missing. Shirokochashevidny Perianth of six shares; 3 external share significantly exceed the size of the domestic. Filaments are connected to the column, the column covering the pistil. Oblong box. Seeds numerous, angular, flattened.
There are about 13 species, native to Mexico, Central America, Peru, and Chile.
The collection grows so peacock (T. pavonia Ker-Gawl.).
Genus Tritonia (Tritonia Ker-Gawl.)
The genus name comes from Greek. triton - vane, apparently because of a spreading form buds. Corm medium-sized, dressed retina. The stem is branched, with many linear or sword-shaped leaves, 60 cm high. The flowers are 2-4 cm in diameter, pink, orange, yellow and white, with 3-5 in paniculate inflorescence. Perianth with a short or long tube, cylindrical or voronkovidnorasshirennoy. Shares oval or obovate, almost identical in size and shape. Stamens 3, they are attached to the throat of perianth. Pestle filiform, with lanceolate stigma. Box-seeded, rounded.
55 known species, distributed in tropical and southern Africa. The collection grows so krokosmietsvetnaya or montbretsiya Garden (T. crocosmaeflora Lemonine). Culture is very similar to the culture atsidantery and gladiolus. Require nutritional damp soil and a sunny location. Suitable for growing in mixborders and for cutting. With good drainage and shelter - winters. In this case it is recommended to transplant Triton every 3 years.
Rod saffron or crocus (Crocus L.)
Crocus genus name comes from Greek. krokost - thread and saffron - from the Arabic "zaferan" - yellow (to yellow-orange stigmas filiform).
Klubnelukovichnoe perennial plant. Corm flattened-spherical. Green leaves that appear either after or during flowering, narrow-linear, with white longitudinal stripe, surrounded by membranous vaginal leaves. Flowers are among one or more outputs directly from the corm. Lobes, right, upright. Oklotsvetnik campanulate-funnel-shaped with a long tube. 3 external limb shares more than 3 domestic. Stamens 3. Threaded post with three stigmas, whole or cut. Ovary three-celled, oblong. The fruit - capsule with numerous seeds round pinkish-brown in color, remains hidden in the ground a long time.
This genus has about 85 species. Grow in the high meadows, open forests, steppes, often gravelly soils in subtropical and warm temperate areas of the Black Sea, Crimea, the Caucasus, Asia, South and Central Europe and North Africa. Some species bloom in early spring, the other - in the fall. At one point in the collection are many types of years: w. spring (C. vernus) and its varieties - Little Dorrit, Peter Pan, Pickwick; w. zolotistotsvetkovy (C. chrysanthus) - Blue Pearl and w. beautiful or gorgeous (C. speciosus), - Albus (the largest and most beautiful of osennetsvetuschih varieties other varieties of the above bloom in the spring.) The collection of varieties tested w. zolotistotsvetkovogo: Advense, Blue Peter, Cream Beauty, Fuscotinctus, Gipsy Girl, Goldilocus, Lady Killer, Princess Beatrix, White Beauty, etc.
Genus gladiolus or gladiolus (Gladiolus L.)
The genus name is derived from the Latin. gladius - sword (in the form of flat leaves).
Corm rounded or flattened, with 2-3 membranous or fibrous membranes, renewed annually over the dying. Stem erect, from 20 cm to 1 m and above. Leaves linear or ensiform, varying in width. Inflorescence - simple or branched spike, one-or two-sided, of several (2-5) or many (up to 30) flowers. Zygomorphic flower, sitting, wrapped in two bracts. Perianth simple, spaynolepestny, with a pipe, usually funnel-shaped, with 6 or shirokolopatchatymi narrow and rounded lobes, vary greatly in size and color. Stamens 3, free; pestle 1 of 3 fused carpels with inferior ovary. Fruit - tricuspid polyspermous box, round, oblong or obovate. Seeds discoid and round, brown, with or without the impeller.
The genus has about 180 species. Most of them are common in South Africa, and the rest occupy a part of tropical Africa, the Mediterranean strip of Europe and East Asia. Gladiolus cultivars were mainly from the South African species.
The collection grows w. Byzantine (G. byzantinus), w. Common (G. communis), w. seed (G. segetum) and w. imbricate (G. imbricatus). The plants require a sunny location, loose moist fertile soil with good drainage.