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Alekseeva, NB, Zeksel AN Tigridia in Leningrad / / Flower. Moscow, 1987. Number 3. Pp. 37-38.

Amehin OA Japanese irises / / Flower. Moscow, 1985. Number 3. Pp. 24-25.

Baranov PA, Matveeva TS Polyploidy as a method of Experimental Botany. Studies in plant physiology. Praha, 1958. C. 21-31.

Belousov, LS, L. Denisova Rare plants of the USSR. Moscow, 1979. 215 p.

Annunciation of BV and other rare and endangered plants of the Ulyanovsk region. Saratov, 1989. 96.

Vasilyeva IV Bearded Iris. M., 2005. 95.

Vasilchenko ZA Rare Plants Sokhondinsky reserve / / Sat scientific papers: Rare plant species in nature reserves. Moscow, 1987. Pp. 46-57.

Galushko AI Iris L. / / Flora of the Northern Caucasus. Determinant. Rostov, 1978. T. 1. Pp. 174-175.

Galushko AI New taxa of the North Caucasus and the new findings / / Flora of the Northern Caucasus, and questions of its history. Stavropol, 1983. Pp. 6-12.

Golyakov PV Vascular Plants Olyokminsky reserve / / Flora and Fauna Reserves. Moscow, 1994. 33 seconds.

Gorlenko SV determinant of disease ornamental plants. Minsk, 1969. 158.

Gorchakovskii PL, Shurova EA Rare and endangered plants of the Urals and the Urals. Moscow, 1982. 208 p.

Ornamental grasses. L., 1977. T. 1. Pp. 158-312.

Demidov PA Plant catalog alphabetically assembled from four parts of the world, with the indication of the botanical characters, who is in Moscow in the Garden State Councilor Prokofy Demidov in Moscow. M., 1786. 469.

Doronkin B. M. Iris L. - Iris / / Flora of Siberia. Novosibirsk, 1987. T. 4. Pp. 114-124.

Doronkin VM Lamanova T. Seed production of some Siberian Iris L. / / Rast. resources. L., 1987. T. 23. No. 4. Pp. 561-566.

Dryagina IV domestic breeding success / / Flower. Moscow, 1985. Number 3. Pp. 20-22.

Erezhepov SE Iris Jungar and economic importance. Nukus, 1970. 156.

Plant life. Moscow, 1982. T. 6. 544 p.

Zhudova PP vegetation and flora Sudzuhinskogo State Reserve Primorsky Territory / / Proceedings of the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve. Vladivostok, 1967. No. 4. Pp. 3-245.

Reserves European part of the RSFSR. I. Moscow, 1988. 287.

Reserves European part of the RSFSR. II. Moscow, 1989. 303.

Reserves of the Soviet Union. Moscow, 1969. 552 s.

Reserves of the USSR. Moscow, 1951. T. 1. 455., T. 2. 388 s.

Zinoviev GN Introduction kind iris Transbaikalia / / Mater. International Conference. Flora, vegetation and plant resources Transbaikalia. Chita, 2000. Pp. 186-189.

Zinoviev GN Introduction Tiger Iris (I. tigridia Bunge ex Ledebour) in the Transbaikal botanical garden / / Iris Russia. Moscow, 2003. Pp. 66-68.

Ivanov AL Rare and endangered plants of Stavropol. Stavropol, 1995. 179.

Introduction of plants of the natural flora of the USSR. Handbook. Moscow, 1979. 431 s.

Catalogue of the collection of living plants of the Botanical Garden BIN USSR. L., 1989. Pp. 120-128.

Catalog of plants that are in the garden pomologicheskom Dr. E. Regel. SPb., 1873-1917.

Kister K. Catalog of living plants of the Imperial Botanical Garden were in the hold until 1856. St. Petersburg, 1857. 151.

Kichunov NI Krasivotsvtuschiya gruntovyya rasteniya lukovichnyya and nkotoryya mnogoltniya. St. Petersburg, 1909. 76.

Red Data Book of the Altai Territory. Barnaul, 1998. 305.

Red Book of the Arkhangelsk region. Arkhangelsk, 1995. 330.

Red Book of Karelia. Petrozavodstk, 1985. 182.

The Red Book of the Russian Federation, 2008. 850.

Red Book of the Kurgan region. Barrow, 2002.

Red Book of the Lipetsk region. M., 2005. T. 1.

Red Book of the Omsk region. Omsk, 2002. with.

Red Book. Rare and protected plants and animals of the Volgograd region. Volgograd, 1992. 143.

The Red Book of the Republic of Buryatia. Novosibirsk, 2002. 340.

The Red Book of the Republic of Komi. M., 1998. 528.

The Red Book of the Republic of Tuva. Novosibirsk, 2002.

Red Book of the Rostov region. Rostov-on-Don, 2004. 233.

Red Book of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 1988. 390.

Red Book of the Ryazan region. Ryazan, 2002. 263 s.

Red Book of Sochi. Sochi 2002. 149.

The Red Book of the Middle Urals. Ekaterinburg, 1996. 278.

Red Book of the Stavropol Territory. Stavropol, 2002.

Red Book of the Tver region. Tver, 2002.

Red Book of the Tyumen region. Tyumen, 2002. 260.

Red Book of Chita Oblast and Agin-Buryat Autonomous Okrug. Plant. Chita, 2002. 278.

Red Book of Yakutia. Novosibirsk, 1987. 248 p.

Lepekhin I. Day notes Ivan Lepekhina travel to different provinces of the Russian state in 1771. St. Petersburg. 1780. 376 c.

Lopatin SE Summary of introduction of wild irises Siberia SSBG / / Flora and vegetation of the Altai. Tr. South-Siberian Botanical Garden. Barnaul, 1995. Pp. 137-140.

Mavrodiev E. Alekseev YE Morphological and biological features of the genus Cryptobasis (Iridaceae) in relation to its taxonomy / / Bot. Journal., 2003. T. 88. Number 10. Pp. 50-55.

Mantrov EZ Feeding and fertilizing ornamental plants. Moscow, 1973. 239 p.

Marina L. Vascular Plants Visimsky reserve / / Flora and fauna reserves of the USSR. Moscow, 1987. 43.

Matveeva TS Polyploid ornamental plants. L., 1980. 300 s.

Minyaev NA, Final GY Flora of the Central Forest State Reserve. , 1976. 104 s.

Mironova LN Seed and vegetative reproduction of wild irises Maritime / / Botanical research in the Far East. Vladivostok, 1980a. Pp. 22-34.

Mironova LN Seasonal development irises Primorye FESC in the botanical garden of the USSR / / Rhythms of the seasonal development of plants in Primorye. Vladivostok, 1980b. Pp. 41-61.

Mironova LN Irises Primorye (distribution, Antecology, development in culture, perspectives and challenges of the use of the gene pool) / / Author. dis. ... Candidate. biol. Science. Vladivostok, 1982. 27.

Mironova L. Comparative study of the Far irises in nature and culture / / Mater. Proc. soveshch. on the environment. and Anat. Rast. Vladivostok, 1990. Pp. 103-104.

Mironova LN varietal composition of the collection of irises in the Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS / / Mater. Intern. Conf. Dedicated. 50 years. Bot. Garden-Institute FEB RAS. Vladivostok, 1998. Pp. 203-204.

Mironova LN, Pavlova N. State and protection of the iris (Iridaceae) in the flora of the Russian Far East / / IV Far Eastern Conference on wild nature protection. Vladivostok, 1999. Pp. 117-118.

Mikheyev AD review of the genus Iris (Iridaceae) Caucasian flora / / Bot. Journal., 2004. T. 89. Number 2. Pp. 276-285.

Mikheyev AD Iridaceae Juss. / / Summary of the flora of the Caucasus. St. Petersburg, 2006. T. 2. Pp. 102-114.

Protected plants Saratov region. Saratov, 1979. 120 s.

Pavlova N. Iris - Iris L. / / Vascular plants of the Soviet Far East, L., 1987. T. 2. Pp. 415-425.

Pallas PS travel to different provinces of the Russian state in 1772 and 1773's. St. Petersburg, 1776. 760.

Plaksina TI Rare and endangered plants of the Samara region. Samara, 1998. 91.

Poletika OM, Mishenkova AI ornamental herbaceous plants outdoors. Leningrad, 1967. 207.

Plants of the natural flora of the USSR. Summary results of the introduction of the Main Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences of the USSR. M., 1961. 359.

Rakhimov AF introduction and selection of irises in the forest-steppe zone of the South Ural / / Author. diss. ... Candidate. biol. Science. Ufa, 2000. 16.

Rare and endangered species of flora of the USSR, in need of protection. L., 1981. 263 s.

Rare and endangered species of the natural flora of the USSR, cultivated in the botanical gardens, and other centers in the country of introduction. Moscow, 1983. 302.

Rare and endangered plants of Siberia. Novosibirsk, 1980. 224 p.

Rare and protected plants of the Vologda region. Vologda, 1991. 48.

Rodionenko GI Rod Iris. M., L., 1961a. 215 p.

Rodionenko GI Irises. Moscow, Leningrad, 1961b. 189 s.

Rodionenko GI Irises. St. Petersburg, 2002. 189 s.

Rodionenko G. The independence kind Xyridion (Iridaceae) / / Bot. Journal., 2005. T. 90. Number 1. Pp. 55-59.

Rodionenko GI Eremiris - a new genus of the family Iridaceae / / Bot. Journal., 2006. T. 91. Number 11. Pp. 1707-1712.

Rodionenko G. The independence kind Limniris (Iridaceae) / / Bot. Journal., 2007. T. 92. Number 4. Pp. 547-554.

Rodionenko GI Alekseev NB collection of species and cultivars of the family Iridaceae / / open ground plants Botanical Garden Botanical Sciences. St. Petersburg, 2002. Pp. 151-166.

Rodionenko GI Dryagina IV, etc. Gatenberger Irises., 1981. 155.

Rodionenko GI, Tikhonov ME Irises. Tver, 1995. 112 p.

Semenova GP introduction of rare and endangered plants of Siberia. Novosibirsk, 2001. 140 s.

Semenova GP Rare and endangered vascular plants in nature reserves in Siberia and beyond / / Bot. Journal., 2003. T. 88. Number 4. Pp. 154-174.

Semenova GP Rare and endangered species of flora of Siberia: biology, conservation. Novosibirsk, 2007. 407 s.

Serebryakov IG morphology of the vegetative organs of plants. M. 1952. 391 s.

Sinadsky V., Korneev Ivan T., Dobrochinskaya IB and other pests and diseases of ornamental plants. Moscow, 1982. 591 s.

Starlings VE Atlas of the vascular plants of the taiga zone of the European part of Russia. Regional lists of rare and endangered species. M., 2000. 587 with.

Preserve for posterity. For the Protection of Flora and Fauna of the Stavropol Territory. Stavropol, 1984. 239 p.

Preserved for all time. Wild plant species Don basin in need of protection. Rostov-on-Don, 1981. 92.

Syuzev P. Personal news. Memory gardener J. K. Kesselring / / Proc. Bot. Garden Empire. Tartu university. St. George, 1910. T. 11. No. 2. Pp. 152-160.

Tkachenko KG, Reynvald VM Garden continuous flowering. St. Petersburg, 2004. 287.

Mabuza BA Sam. Iridaceae - Iridaceae Lindl. / / Flora of the USSR. L., 1935. T. 4. Pp. 498-588.

Mabuza OA Seeds collected in the Botanical Garden in Holguin (Mozhaisk district of Moscow province in 1909) / / Eng. Bot. Journal., 1909-1913. № 6-10.

The flora and vegetation of the reserve "Cedar Pad". Vladivostok, 1972. 306.

Flora and fauna reserves. Vascular plants Bolshekhekhtsirskii Reserve. Moscow, 2002. 131.

Kharkevich SS, NN Kachura Rare species of plants in the Far East and their protection. , 1981. 231 p.

Hondyrev V. iris snowdrops / / In the world of plants. Moscow, 2002. № 4 (April). Pp. 24-29.

Keys to the NN Iris - Iris L. / / Flora of the USSR. L., 1979. T. 4. Pp. 299-307.

Sharon VA Gladioli and irises. Moscow, 1958. 20.

Shevchenko T. The types and varieties of "dwarf" Iris / / Proc. Stavr. Scientific research. Inst agric. households Islands. Stavropol, 1977. No. 43. Pp. 63-68.

Shevchenko T. Types section Iris genus Iris L. European part of the USSR and the Caucasus / / Author. dis. ... Candidate. biol. Science. L., 1980. 22 c.

Shevchenko T. Experience introduction Iris kind in Central Ante / / Results of plant introduction. Rostov, 1986. Pp. 127-130.

Shevchenko T. rare and endemic species of Iris Caucasus / / Proc. works. Protection and management of the plant world, Stavropol Territory. Stavropol, 1990. S. 195.

Iris T. Shevchenko dwarfs. Moscow, 1992. 9.

Alexeeva N. The Iridarium in the Saint-Petersburg Botanical Garden / / Perenial Plants. Washington (USA), Winter, 2001. P. 55-58.

Alexeeva N. Expeditionary trip for Irises to the Transbaical Region / / SIGNA. Molalla (USA), Spring, 2004. N 72. P. 3657-3660.

Alexeeva N. Irises in Primorje / / SIGNA. Molalla (USA), Fall, 2006. N 77. P. 3877-3883.

Alexeeva N. The Saccessful Expedition to Altai / / SIGNA. Molalla (USA), Spring, 2007. N 78. P. 3908-3909.

Caillet M., Mertzweiller J. K. The Louisiana Iris. The history and culture of five native American species and their Hybrids. Waco, Texas, 1988. 226 p.

Delectus seminum. Dorpatensis, 1820-1835.

Fischer F. Catalogue du Jardin des plantes de son excellence monsieur le comte Alexis de Razumoffsky Gorenki. M., 1812. 76 p.

Index octavus (Delectus seminum). SPb., 1842-2004.

K? Hlein F. Iris. Stuttgart, 1981. 360 s.

McEwen C. The Japanese Iris. Honover and London, 1990. 153 p.

McEwen C. The Siberian Iris. Portland, Oregon, 1996. 206 p.

Pallas P. S. Enumeratio plantarum quae in Horto vivi illustris atque excell D Procopii A. Demidof. Petropoli, 1781. 163 p.

Randolph L. F. Garden Irises. St. Louis, Missouri, 1959. 575 c.

Registrations and introductions in 2000. New York, 2001. C. 24. C. 85.

SIGNA - Species Iris group of North America / / Checklists of Iris. St. Louis Mo, 2002. 229 p.

Tamberg T. Apogon notes from the Tamberg Garden (1980) / / The 1980 Iris Year Book. Kent (British), 1980. P. 75-78.

Tamberg T. New Beardless Hybrids - a Progress Report / / The 1992 Iris Year Book. Kent (British), 1992. P. 77-82.

Warburton B. The world of Irises. Wichita, Kansas, 1995. 494 p.

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