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05 August 2010 "The world of phloxes" – exhibition and sale at the Botanical Garden
Today the opening of an exhibition and sale of phloxes was convened in the territory of the Botanical Garden, 150 sorts were represented. Iris amateurs could also buy several sorts of these decorative plants: Suzie Wong, Insulinda, Negretta etc.

02 July 2010 Spuria and Japanese Irises started blossoming
At the beginning of July visitors of the Iridarium could observe simultaneous blossoming of all garden groups bred in our environment. Bearded Irises finish blossoming. Beardless irises: Siberian Irises, Irises of the Water Garden, Bulbous Irises are in the middle of blossoming. Spuria Irises start blossoming.

02 July 2010 Bulbous irises are blossoming
So called bulbous irises belonging to the genus Xiphium start blossoming in late June – early July...

02 July 2010 Siberian irises are blossoming
Sorts of this group feel comfortable in our environment. They form big shrubs and blossom during 2-3 weeks...

28 May 2010 Japanese garden in the Botanical Garden of the Botanical Institute, the Russian Academy of Sciences
Today a Japanese garden was founded in the Botanical Garden. The officials – Mr. Kawabata Itiro (Consul-General of Japan in St.Petersburg) and Ms. Midori Yamada (President of the Affiliate of Ikenobo-Ikebana Institute in Russia) - attended the opening ceremony.

21 May 2010 Japanese irises in the Iridarium
On May, 21 a subsequent planting took place in the Iridarium in the sector where Japanese irises are bred....

17 May 2010 Publication in Botanical Journal № 3, 2010
Morphology of some species seeds of the genus Iris L. (Iridaceae) related to the genus systematization.
The article shows results of the research on seed morphology and micromorphology of seed peel for 10 species of the genus Iris subgenus Iris from 4 sections...

List of publications.

17 May 2010 Siberian irises are blossoming
Siberian irises I. bloudowii, I. humilis, I. ruthenica have started blossoming...

17 May 2010 Iris aphylla L. started blossoming
Iris aphylla L. started blossoming on May, 17. It is a European species which is largely spread in the European part of Russia: Volga-Don region, Volga region.

12 April 2010 Small-bulbous irises started blossoming
Bulbous irises are the first to blossom in the Iridarium. Iridodictyum reticulatum and I. Danfordiae  started blossoming by April, 12, the Day of Outer Space. In situ small-bulbous irises grow in mountains and foothills of the Caucasus and Asia. All the species are very decorative and suit well for Alpine gardens and as pot forces.

31 Martha 2010 Georgy I. Rodionenko is 97 years
On March, 28 Georgy I. Rodionenko celebrated his 97th anniversary. He works 3-4 hours every day and takes a 1-hour walk. Colleagues, amateur iris breeders, numerous friends send their cordial congratulations to Georgy Ivanovich and wish him health and new creative achievements.

31 Martha 2010 Expedition to the Northern Caucasus (August, 2009)
During the expedition field investigations by stationary and route methods were conducted attracting employees of Pyatigorsk environmental and botanical station and Stavropol Botanical garden. We visited and researched several interesting mountains in Pyatigorsk - Beschtau, Goryachaya, Mashuk etc.

15 April 2009 A new publication: The Iridarium of the Botanical Garden
The book provides data on the collection of Iridaceae family plants in the Botanical Garden of V.L.Komarov’s Botanical Institute (The Russian Academy of Sciences). There is information concerning rare species and their protection as well as agrotechnological methods of growing species and sorts of Irises, Crocuses, Gladioluses and other representatives of Iridaceae family.

15 April 2009 International conference in Washington (USА): Volunteer movement
The conference on volunteer movement in the USA was convened at the end of February – beginning of March in Washington.

31 October 2008 The Greenland Sea
The Greenland Sea (new photos).

29 October 2008 Irises for Water Garden in the Iridarium of the Botanical garden (new photos)
Water creates special philosophical mood in the garden. Irises enhance this effect. The Japanese plant irises at the waterfront and annually have a rite of contemplating flowers since they bring joy and delight.

28 October 2008 Publications of N.B. Alexeeva in 2008
In 2008 6 papers, 1 booklet on the Iridarium and the monograph “The genus Iris L. (Iridaceae) in Russia” were published.

21 October 2008 Information on expedition to Kalach-on-Don
Report and photos on the expedition

14 October 2008 Replanting of Beardless irises has finished (new photos)
Replanting of Beardless irises has finished. You can familiarize with rules of agrotechnology linking to Guidance on Growing Bearded Irises in St. Petersburg and its Outskirts.

09 July 2008 Replanting of Bearded irises has finished
Blossoming of Bearded irises in the Iridarium has finished. We have started replanting. You can familiarize with rules of agrotechnology linking to Guidance on Growing Bearded Irises in St. Petersburg and its Outskirts.

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