13 May 2022
A gift for the garden at the Academy of Russian Ballet of the Iris ensata cultivar "Nikolai Tsiskaridze".
In early May 2014, Nikolai Tsiskaridze planted an oak tree in the courtyard of the Academy of Russian Ballet. From that moment on, the territory,
01 April 2022
Irises are blossoming
Iris cristata, Iris japonica, Iris tectorum and bearded: Iris pallida and Iris kashmiriana
22 February 2022
IV Moscow International Symposium “Iris-2022”
At the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia) will be organized.
28 December 2021
Replenishment of the collection in 2021
In 2021, The collection was replenished by 62 taxa, these are plants collected in nuture, grown from seeds and bought in nurseries. Plants from nature from Altai (Korpacheva, Alexeeva), the Sakhalin Island (I. Pautova)) and
08 October 2021
"Camelian readings" in Barnaul
From September 27 to September 29, 2021, the 2nd International Conference "Kamelian readings" was held at Altay in Barnaul. The conference was attended by over
17 September 2021
International Conference in St. Petersburg
From September 14 to September 16, 2021 in the Botanical Garden of the Great Komarov Botanical Institute RAS in St. Petersburg was Seventh International Conference
26 June 2021
Japanese Irises
This year, the garden group Japanese Irises bloomed two weeks earlier, these are the Iris ensata Thunb. Cultivars and
04 June 2021
Siberian Irises are blossoming
It is time for the garden group of Siberian Irises to blossom. In the collection of the Iridarium the Siberian iris species (10 species are described) and over 100 varietes from Russian and foreign breeders have been tested for introduction in different years. Two of the species
02 April 2021
The flowering of Irises began in the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great
Iris japonica Thunb. and Iris pallida Lam. was the first to bloom in the greenhouse of the quarantine nursery at the end of March. Once again,
09 November 2020
A new article was published in Phytotaxa
Manuel B. Crespo, Nina B. Alexeeva & Yue E. Xiao. Iris zhaoana, a new name for Iris potaninii var. ionantha (I. sect. Pseudoregelia ser. Tigridiae, Iridaceae) from China: evidence from morphological and plastid DNA data // Phytotaxa, 2020. 470(4): 282-289.
21 October 2020
The book “Iris L. (Iridaceae Juss.) in the Russia” is out of print
Many thanks to everyone who took part in the action - a book as a gift. The general characteristic of all species of the genus Iris L. (Iridaceae) of flora of Russia is given (232 p.). The complex
20 October 2020
A new article was published in Vavilovia.
Article was published: Seed morphology in the genus Iris (Iridaceae) from Russia // Vavilovia. 2020, 3(1): 5-28.
16 September 2020
Replenishment of the collection in 2020
In 2020, due to quarantine, there were no expeditionary trips. The collection was replenished
10 August 2020
Acidanthera bicolor, Gladiolus hybr., Tigridia pavonia, Tritonia crocosmaeflora will soon bloom.
The flowering of irises has ended, now in the buds of Acidanthera bicolor, Gladiolus hybr., Tigridia pavonia, Tritonia crocosmaeflora. Usually they bloom until late autumn, sometimes Acidanthera bicolor
10 July 2020
The botanical garden is open to the public.
Since July 2, the Botanical Garden is open to the public. It is time for the garden group of Japanese Irises to blossom. Iris ensata Thunb is the botanical name of the iris – forerunner of numerous sorts of this group of irises.
15 June 2020
Iridarium is blooming. Book as a gift.
On Iridarium cultivars from the Bearded Iris garden group abundatly bloom. At the same time,
01 June 2020
The beginning of summer in Iridarium. Book as a gift
It’s so beautiful in our Botanical garden. Iris aphylla, Iris bloudowii, Iris furcata, Iris
13 May 2020
May days in the Botanical Garden. Book as a gift.
It’s so beautiful in our Botanical garden. I am allowed to work in the garden once a
11 May 2020
Good news!
Good news! Thanks to the Mail.ru Mail Team, my mailboxes are
07 May 2020
Important message. My email address is blocked due to a hacking attempt !!!
Important message. My email address is blocked due to a hacking attempt !!! We kindly ask