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01 September 2015 Acidanthera and Tigridia are bloom.
September 1, 2015. Since end of August bloom Acidanthera bicolor Hochst.

10 July 2015 Japanese Irises are blossoming
It is time for the garden group of Japanese Irises to blossom. Iris ensata Thunb is the botanical name of the iris – forerunner of numerous sorts of this group of irises.

23 June 2015 Siberian Irises are blossoming
It is time for the garden group of Siberian Irises to blossom. On Iridarium they bloom everywhere. Varieties of this group undemanding, in one place may be up to 10 years without losing decorative.

25 May 2015 Are blooming rare irises
May 25, 2015. Are blooming rare irises from Siberia:

09 May 2015 Iris pumila and Juno are blooming
May 9, 2015. Since early may are blooming Iris pumila and Juno bucharica.

08 May 2015 Tour to Crete
From April 17 to May 05  field observations of the species of  Gladiolus italicus, Gynandriris monophylla и G. sisyrinchium, Hermodactylus tuberosus,

12 February 2015 Tour to India
12 February 2015. From 23 of January till 6 February we had a unique trip to India.

22 December 2014 New photos of irises
December 22, 2014. The site added and will add photos of irises and other members of the family Iridaceae

15 September 2014 Seeds and plants
15 September 2014.
Given seeds and planting material for research and

28 July 2014 Tour to Alaska
From 12 of July till 20 we had a unique trip to Alaska, where it grows Iris setosa, the only species which is widesperead in our (Central and Eastern Siberia and the Far East), as well as in the North America (coastal strip of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands.

05 June 2014 300-year anniversary
On this year the Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences will celebrate its 300th Anniversary. Widely known as the oldest scientific institution of Russia, it was founded in 1714 by order of Tzar Peter the Great, initially as a medical herb garden.

06 May 2014 Iris pumila and Juno are blooming.
May 6, 2014. Since early may are blooming Iris pumila and Juno bucharica.

06 April 2014 Georgy I. Rodionenko.
April 6, 2014. On the 102 year died Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences,  Georgy I. Rodionenko. Hi was the great scientist well-known all over the world, created by Iris School in Russia.

20 September 2013 Conference.
September 20, 2013. In September there were two conferences. One of them Tver, Russia, 3rd International Conference “Living in Harmony: Botanic Gardens and Society – Dialogue without Borders”.

At the Conference I met old friends. I did report on programmer theme: Is the Internet a parallel reality or a real tool for interpreting findings of garden? It was about the creation and renovation of multi-portal dedicated to working with Irises on Iridarium.

19 August 2013 Gladiolus bloom.
August 19, 2013. Since early August bloom

12 July 2013 Irises great beauty
Unusual beauty Irises of the Japanese Iris, some visitors closer to the knowledge of ritual contemplation, which annually make the Japanese. This year, the gorgeous, almost two months pleasing was flowering varieties of Bearded Irises.

28 June 2013 Japanese Irises are blossoming
It is time for the garden group of Japanese Irises to blossom. A special area with the irises collection and elements of Japanese design was set up in the Iridarium. I. ensata Thunb is the botanical name of the iris – forerunner of numerous sorts of this group of irises.

26 June 2013 Lecture-report «Irises. Garden groups. Methods of propagation»
26 June 2013  An open exposition Iridarium a lecture-presentation on “Irises. Garden groups. Methods of propagation.” On lectures can be present at the same time 15-20 listeners.

21 June 2013 21 June 2013. Finished flowering bulbous irises.
21 June 2013. Finished flowering bulbous irises. Tall bearded irises bloom in modern plant breeding and the “Siberian Irises”.

06 June 2013 June 5 2013 the flowering irises old selection of Bearded Irises.
June 5 2013 the flowering irises old selection of Bearded Irises.

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