06 May 2020
Preparation of the exposition of the Japanese Irises for the celebration
This year in the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great, the Japanese Garden celebrate 10 years. It is hoped that we will be able to
05 May 2020
Gift book
Information only for Russians. Fundraising for the publication of the book Irises of Russia.
30 April 2020
Spring in the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great
In the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great "a quiet, deserted spring." Due to quarantine - no-bo-dy... And at this time, usually on the street Professor Popov 2,
13 April 2020
New photos of iris
The site adds photos taken in Primorye during the International Expedition in June 2019
02 April 2020
A new cultivar is registered Professor Dorofeyev
The iris 'Professor Dorofeyev' is named after the Prof., leading researcher at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS Vladimir Dorofeyev is concerned in the systematics of the vascular plants, in addition for many years
07 November 2019
Iridarium annual report
In 2019, the species did not vegetate species: I. cretensis, I. illyrica, I. lycotis, I. sintenesii, Juno kuschakewizii, J. magnifica, J. orchioides and
23 September 2019
A new cultivar is registered Marishka
The iris cultivar “Marishka” is named after the proficient gardener of the Botanical Garden Marina Markovskaya,
14 September 2019
International Conference 2019
From September 7 to September 13, 2019, the 9th International Scientific Conference "Floriculture: history, theory, practice"
22 August 2019
International award
Brian Mathew the President of the British Iris Society congratulated Nina Alexeeva on the news
08 August 2019
Reconstruction of the place «Japanese Irises»
The place with the garden group Japanese irises has been under reconstruction for 3 years. It was necessary to replace
02 July 2019
International Expedition to the Far East.
From June 1 to June 16, 2019, a joint international Mongolian-USA-Russian expedition took place.
26 June 2019
Japanese Irises are blossoming
It is time for the garden group of Japanese Irises to blossom. Iris ensata Thunb is the botanical name of the iris – forerunner of numerous sorts of this group of irises.
26 April 2019
Kamelian readings
From April 22 to April 25, 2019, the 1st International Conference "Camellian кeadings" was
10 December 2018
A new article in в Turczaninowia
Article was published: New species of Iris L. (Iridaceae) from Mongolia. Turczaninowia, 21 (4): 145-149 (2018).
10 October 2018
International Conference.
From October 3 to October 7, 2018, the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Botanical Gardens in the Modern World: Science, Education, Management"
10 September 2018
Replenishment of the collection in 2018
In 2018, 152 taxa were added. Of particular value are plants from the nature of Altay
01 August 2018
Practice students.
From May 25 to July 19, 2018, students of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University, Pushkin - A. A. Zhemchuzhnikova and A.E. Konakov held an internship at the Iridarium
10 July 2018
International Expedition.
From June 11 to July 3, 2018, a joint international Mongolian-Russian expedition took place. The expedition was attended by scientists from
17 May 2018
The 2nd National Irises Conference Shanghai Botanical Garden.
From May 13 to May 15, the National Scientific Conference "The 2nd National Irises Conference" was held in the Shanghai Botanical Garden (China). More than 130 specialists representing scientific and educational institutions of China, Jerusalem and Russia took part in the conference.
05 Martha 2018
A new article in Phytotaxa 340 (3): 201-216
Article was published: A taxonomic revision of the Iris section Psammiris (Iridaceae) in Russia. Phytotaxa, 2018. 340 (3): 201-216.