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28 February 2018 A new article in SIGNA 96 (Winter 2017): 4465-4468.
N. Alexeeva, G. Firsov, P. Zhurbenko. Irises of Russia. The Collection of the Pyatigorsk Ecological-Botanical Station /SIGNA, USA, N 96, Winter, 2017. C. 4465-4468. This article is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Anatoly D. Mikheev, an expert

11 December 2017 Japan. A festival of chrysanthemums and maple paints.
In Japan, we were from 11 to 24 November. We were lucky, we found the end of the flowering of chrysanthemums and maple paints in full swing. Exhibitions of chrysanthemums

07 November 2017 International Conference.
From October 30 to November 3, the International Scientific Conference "Floriculture: Theoretical and Practical Aspects" was held in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. More than 70

20 October 2017 Replenishment of the collection in 2017
In 2017, 81 taxa were added.

11 September 2017 Plants grown by in vitro method
The works on microclonal propagation (with Dr. E.V. Andronova)

28 August 2017 A new exposition on the Iridarium
A new site was exposition, the species of the subgenus Limniris

06 July 2017 Lecture «Iridarium. Species. Garden groups. Methods of propagation»
6 July 2017.  An open exposition Iridarium a presentation for the stuffs on “Iridarium. Species. Garden groups. Methods of propagation.”

15 June 2017 Bearded and Siberian Irises are blossoming
15 June 2017. It is time for the garden group of Siberian Irises to blossom. On Iridarium they bloom everywhere.

25 May 2017 Are blooming rare irises
May 25, 2017. On the are blooming rare irises from nature: Iris glaucescens,  Iris humilis, Iris bloudowii, Iris kemaonensis in Iridarium.  

26 April 2017 Visit at the Univesity of California Berkeley
26 April 2017. For three weeks, post-gratitude student Peter Zhurbenko studied at the University of California, Berkeley.

23 Martha 2017 Memorial Day of Georgy Rodionenko is the most high-profile expert on irises well-known throughout the world
March 28, 2017 г.  Georgy Rodionenko is the most high-profile expert on irises well-known throughout the world, monograph of the genus of Iris”.  

21 Martha 2017 A new cultivar is registered Nikolay Tsiskaridze
The idea to name the variety of Iris ensata in the name of a famous artist came when, once again, at the end of June, a magnificent,

19 November 2016 Good wishes to Anne Blanco White
19 of November.  The warmest congratulations and best wishes to Anne Blanco White – is famous irisarian in the word.

02 November 2016 Glad news – grant from AIS Foundation
2 November 2016.  The American Iris Society Foundation supported the project of researching irises using modern methods.

20 October 2016 Present for Iridarium
Collection of Japanese Irises supplemented with new cultivars. Maria Kaulen from Moskow (11 original selection of images) and Yuri Markovski from St. Petersburg

20 July 2016 Japanese Irises are blossoming
It is time for the garden group of Japanese Irises to blossom. Iris ensata Thunb is the botanical name of the iris – forerunner of numerous sorts of this group of irises.

30 June 2016 III Moscow International Symposium of Iris L. genus
June 30, 2016.  The International Symposium on irises was held on June, 15 – 18 at the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University. 50 symposium participants

30 May 2016 Round table. “Georgy Rodionenko is the most high-profile expert on irises well-known throughout the world, monograph of the genus of Iris”
June 21, 2016 г.  A round table “Georgy Rodionenko is the most high-profile expert on irises well-known throughout the world, monograph of the genus of Iris” in the Botanical Garden of the Great Komarov Botanical Institute RAS in St. Petersburg as a part of the Sixth International Conference  “Biodiversity. Plant Introduction”.

21 December 2015 Expedition to Cambodia 2015
From 14 of November till 6 of December we have had a unique expedition to Cambodia. We were on two islands: Koh Kong and Koh Rong. The coast so beautiful: more sunshine, warmest water and white sand.

01 November 2015 Visit to Missouri Botanical Garden.
Since 13 till 27 of October at the invitation of the Missouri Botanical Garden, we visited the botanical gardens in the cities St. Louis and Chicago. We participated in the discussion on further joint work with the living plant collections in botanical gardens, plant exchange opportunities, seeds and participate in joint international expeditions.

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